
 Hardy County

Emergency Ambulance Authority


Email: HCEAA@HardyCounty.com

The Hardy County Emergency Ambulance Authority created by the Hardy County Commission is a 15 member Board of Directors created by WV Code  § 7-15 et seq. to provide Emergency Ambulance Service to Hardy County, West Virginia.

West Virginia Code § 7-15

. Link to new webpage

Meet the Board

Emergency Ambulance Authority Board of Directors

The Ambulance Authority Board of Directors consists of people with a wide knowledge of finance, business management, and emergency services. Their primary concern is the expeditious and effective delivery of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to the citizens of Hardy County. 

Paul Lewis, President                                         Moorefield

Tim Thorne, Vice President                               Moorefield                             

David S. Fansler, Commissioner Rep              Moorefield

Doug Coffman, Treasurer                                   Baker

Jean Flanagan, Secretary                                    Baker

Ron Crites                                                              Moorefield

Fran Welton                                                          Moorefield


HCEAA Bylaws 

Revised HCEAA Bylaws 2015

Revised HCEAA Bylaws 2018


Print Emergency Ambulance Service Fee Exoneration Form HERE.

Please send printed forms to HCEAA P.O. Box 671 Moorefield WV 26836


Please contact the Hardy County Emergency Ambulance Authority for a meeting schedule. You may contact the President, Paul Lewis, by calling Office of Emergency Management at 304.530.0291. The meetings are open to the public and you must contact the President three days prior to the meeting to be placed on the agenda.

HCEAA Notice, Agenda & Minutes 1/21*

HCEAA Notice, Agenda & Minutes 2/21*

HCEAA Notice, Agenda & Minutes 3/21*

HCEAA Notice, Agenda & Minutes 4/21*

HCEANotice, Agenda & Minutes 5/21*

HCEAA Notice, Agenda & Minutes 6/21*

HCEAA Notice & Agenda 1/22*

Financial Records

HCEAA Financial Stmt 1/21-3/21*

HCEAA Financial Stmt 4/21-6/21*

HCEAA Financial Stmt 7/21-9/21*







Helpful Information


The Hardy County Emergency Ambulance Authority (HCEAA) is currently located in Baker, WV which is an excellent central location for Hardy County.  Baker is 16 miles from Moorefield, 14 miles from Mathias, and 9 miles from Wardensville. 

Presently, an EMS provider is available 24  hours/ 7 days to all of the major areas of Hardy County in a reasonable amount of time. 

The emergency service building is equipped to be a fully functioning EMS Station, capable of housing multiple EMS vehicles as well as personnel.  It is also capable of serving as a training facility.  The building has also served many other purposes to the community in addition to providing a polling place during elections. 

The building is currently owned by the Hardy County Commission and leased to the Hardy County Emergency Ambulance Authority. 


Ambulance Fee

The Hardy County Commission passed an ordinance which concerns the imposition and collection of a Special Emergency Ambulance Service Fee, and is adopted under the authority of Chapter 7, Article 15, Section 17 of the West Virginia Code.

This ordinance is enacted for the purpose of establishing and maintaining an adequate emergency ambulance system within the geographic boundaries of Hardy County, West Virginia.  An adequate emergency ambulance system is necessary to promote the health and welfare of the citizens of Hardy County.  Emergency ambulance service is a public purpose and a responsibility of government for which public money may be spent.

At present, this fee is a uniform fee charged to each living unit and business to which ambulance service is made available.

All revenues received in accordance with this ordinance shall be deposited into a special fund to be known as the Special Emergency Ambulance Service Fee.  These funds shall be used to pay reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred including personnel, building maintenance, equipment purchase and repair used in providing emergency ambulance service to residents of the county and others that might require such services.  Such funds may be used to pay for, in whole or in part, the establishment, maintenance and operation of the authority.  Funds not expended in a given Fiscal year will be maintained in the above Fund and may be used in subsequent Fiscal years as necessary.


The Hardy County Emergency Ambulance Authority currently owns 3 Ambulances and two Chase Unit. One ambulance was fully funded and one partially with grant funds from the Rural HealthCare Authority. The Ambulances and Chase units are currently in operation and providing EMS in Hardy County West Virginia. The Ambulance Authority currently leases a Rescue Squad Building in Baker West Virginia.



Public Notice


The Hardy County Ambulance Authority is seeking employment applications for the following position: FULL TIME/ PART TIME EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICAN. Must have a current WV EMS Certification.

Applications are available below. Print and mail the completed application to P.O. Box 671, Moorefield, WV 26836. Attention: Derek Alt.  Job posting is a continuous application collection. The Hardy County Emergency Ambulance Authority is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.

Employment Applications 

Application for Support Employees

Application for Medical Providers


Updated 10/31/2017